domingo, 3 de julio de 2011

Nieve de Limón y Menta

Yield: 8


3cups water
2cups sugar
3Zest of large lemons
1 ½cups fresh mint leaves, finely minced and divided
1 ½cups fresh lemon juice
½cup limoncello
teaspoon kosher salt


Step 1
Pour the water, sugar and lemon zest into a pot over medium high heat until the sugar has completely dissolvedstirring occasionally. Remove from heatstirin the mint and set aside.
Step 2
As the simple syrup steepswhisk together the lemon juice, limoncello and salt. Pour into the minted simple syrup and allow to cool completely. Chill for at least 3 hours, but preferably overnight.
Step 3
Once the liquid has chilled, pour it into the frozen base of your ice cream maker, cover with the lid and churn for 20-30 minutes or until the mixture thickens.Put the base into the freezer for another hour or two to harden as desired.


About Lemon Mint Sorbet

This non-fat frozen treat is the perfect weapon to have in your warm weather dessert arsenal. You can play around with the herb of your choice, though mint and citrus do go oh so well together. Right after this guy popped up, a super neon tangerine sorbet popped up in our bowls too. Once you start playing with flavors of sorbet, your imagination will just keep going and going. See what other delicious varieties will come to mind once to take a bite of of this one on a perfect or not so perfect Spring day. Just let the sorbet be a bowl of sunshine.

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